Byron Janis
born March 24, 1928, McKeesport, Pennsylvania
Byron Janis is an American classical pianist. His discography covers repertoire from Beethoven to David W. Guion and includes major piano concertos from Mozart to Rachmaninoff and Prokofiev. His pianistic has been described as combining a Horowitzian technique with a sublime musicality akin to Alfred Cortot’s. He has a special affinity for Frédéric Chopin and made a French film on him that was shown around the world.
Chopin Waltz Op. 69, No. 1 & Nocturne E major, Op. 62
He made several recordings for RCA Victor and Mercury Records, and occupies two volumes of the Philips series Great Pianists of the 20th Century.
Prokofiev – Piano Concerto 3 (C), op. 26
In 1973, Janis developed severe psoriatic arthritis in both hands and wrists. In 1985, he talked about his difficulties in public for the first time and became the First Ambassador for the Arthritis Foundation. In June 2012, he was presented with a Lifetime Achievement Award for his work in Arthritis Advocacy.
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Byron Janis plays Liszt
***** [În română] *****
Byron Janis
24 martie, 1928, McKeesport, Pennsylvania
Byron Janis este un pianist clasic american. Discografia sa acoperă un repertoriu de la Beethoven la David W. Guion și include concerte importante de pian de la Mozart la Rachmaninoff și Prokofiev. Maniera sa pianistică său a fost descrisă combinând o tehnică horowitziană cu o sublimă muzicalitate asemănătoare cu cea a lui Alfred Cortot. Are o afinitate specială pentru Frédéric Chopin și a făcut un film în Franța despre el, prezentat în întreaga lume.
Chopin – Ballade in G minor, opus 23 (rec. 1952)
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