Carrie-Ann-Baade - Carrie-Ann-Baade
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Carrie Ann Baade

Carrie Ann Baade

Carrie Ann Baade

born 18 February 1974, New Orleans


Carrie Ann Baade is an American painter and Assistant Professor in the Fine Arts Department at Florida State University.

Baade’s paintings are oil works blending dense, imaginative contemporary and classic symbology with luminescent color, often featuring themes of mortality, sexuality, personal transformation, and the darker side of human nature. She has been associated with the contemporary surreal movement, though her work treats this in an academic manner that rewards detailed study. „Carrie Ann Baade’s autobiographical parables combine fragments of Renaissance and Baroque religious paintings, resulting in surreal landscapes inhabited by exotic flora, fauna, and figures.” – Margaret Winslow, In Canon Exhibition Description. 

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