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E. Power Biggs
29 martie, 1906, Westcliff-on-Sea, Essex, England – 10 martie 1977, Cambridge, Massachusetts, U.S.
Edward George Power Biggs a fost un organist englez-american de concert și de înregistrare.
Biggs a făcut mult pentru a readuce în prim plan orga clasică și a fost în prima linie reînvierii interesului pentru muzica de orgă a compozitorilor pre-romantici de la mijlocul secolului XX. În primul său turneu concert în Europa, în 1954, Biggs a interpretat și a înregistrat lucrări ale lui Johann Sebastian Bach, Sweelinck, Dieterich Buxtehude și Pachelbel pe orgă istorică asociată cu acești compozitori.
E. Power Biggs & Johann Gottfried Walther – Six concertos after Italian played on the pedal harpsichord
***** [In English] *****
E. Power Biggs
March 29, 1906, Westcliff-on-Sea, Essex, England – March 10, 1977, Cambridge, Massachusetts, U.S.
Edward George Power Biggs was a British-born American concert organist and recording artist.
Biggs was trained in London at the Royal Academy of Music, where he studied with G.D. Cunningham and emigrated to the United States in 1930. In 1932, he took up a post at Christ Church in Cambridge, Massachusetts, where he lived for the rest of his life.
Johann Sebastian Bach – Toccata in F major, BWV 540
Biggs did much to bring the classical pipe organ back to prominence, and was in the forefront of the mid-20th-century resurgence of interest in the organ music of pre-Romantic composers. On his first concert tour of Europe, in 1954, Biggs performed and recorded works of Johann Sebastian Bach, Sweelinck, Dieterich Buxtehude, and Pachelbel on historic organs associated with those composers.
Johann Sebastian Bach – The Four Great Toccatas and Fugues The Four Antiphonal Organs of the Cathedral of Freiburg Played simultaneously by E. Power Biggs
He recorded extensively for the Columbia Masterworks Records and RCA Victor labels for more than three decades. Between 1942 and 1958, he also hosted a weekly radio program of organ music (carried throughout the United States on the CBS Radio Network) that introduced audiences to the pipe organ and its literature.
More on: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/E._Power_Biggs
Johann Sebastian Bach – Passacaglia and Fugue in C minor BWV 582 performed by the concert organist E. Power Biggs playing the 1958 Flentrop tracker in the Busch-Reisinger Museum at Harvard University
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