Etichetă: todaysmemory
Ace Cannon
(May 5, 1934 – December 6, 2018)
Luis Mariano
(13 august 1914 – 14 iulie 1970)
Premiera Simfoniei No. 1 în Re Major de Gustav Mahler
Premiera Simfoniei No. 1 în Re Major de Gustav Mahler 20 noiembrie, 1889 Simfonia nr. 1 în Re majorContinuă să citești
Today’s Memory – In memoriam: Clara Haskil
In memoriam: Clara Haskil 7 ianuarie 1895, București – 7 decembrie 1960, Bruxelles Clara Haskil a fost pianistă elvețianăContinuă să citești
Romanian Visual Art – Ion Andreescu
Stânci în pădure / Rocks in the Forest (1879–1880) Picătura de frumos de la Ion Andreescu Tablou pictatContinuă să citești
Today’s Memory – Tommy Ridgley
Tommy Ridgley October 30, 1925, New Orleans, Louisiana – August 11, 1999 Tommy Ridgley was a R&B singer andContinuă să citești
Today’s Memory – Ziua Armatei Romane / Day of the Romanian Army
Ziua Armatei Romane / Day of the Romanian Army 25 Octombrie Pe 25 octombrie 1944, în luptele care s-au dusContinuă să citești
Today’s Memory – Mănăstirea Căldărușani / Căldărușani Monastery
Încheierea construcției Mânăstirii Căldărușani 20 octombrie 1638 Mănăstirea Căldărușani este una dintre cele mai mari și vechi mănăstiri ortodoxe șiContinuă să citești
Today’s Memory – Sting
Sting born 2 October 1951, Wallsend, Northumberland Gordon Matthew Thomas Sumner CBE, known by his stage name Sting, isContinuă să citești
Today’s Memory – Sophia Loren
Sophia Loren born 20 September 1934, Rome Sofia Loren, born Sofia Villani Scicolone is an Italian film actress whoContinuă să citești
Jeremy Irons
Jeremy Irons born 19 September 1948, Cowes, Isle of Wight Jeremy John Irons is a British actor whose performancesContinuă să citești
Today’s Memory – Johann Gottfried Walther – Amintirea de azi
Johann Gottfried Walther 18 September 1684, Erfurt – 23 March 1748, Weimar Johann Gottfried Walther was a German musicContinuă să citești
Today’s Memory – Jacques-Louis David
Jacques-Louis David 30 August 1748, Paris – 29 December 1825, Brussels Jacques-Louis David was the most celebrated French artistContinuă să citești
Today’s Memory – International Day of the Disappeared
International Day of the Disappeared August 30 The International Day of the Disappeared is a day created to draw attentionContinuă să citești
Today’s Memory – Mother Teresa
Mother Teresa 26 August 1910 – 5 September 1997 The Blessed Teresa of Calcutta born Anjezë Gonxhe Bojaxhiu wasContinuă să citești
Romanian Visual Art – Ștefan Luchian
Un zugrav (autoportret) / Self-Portrait (1906) Este portretul emblemă pe care Luchian şi l-a creat, nu atât prin compoziţia simplă,Continuă să citești
Today’s Memory – Music
”Music can change the world” – Beethoven World Music Day or Fête de la Musique June 21 The Fête deContinuă să citești
Today’s Memory – Ștefan Popa Popa’s
Ștefan Popa Popa’s born 11 June 1955, Caransebeș Ștefan Popa Popa’s is a Romanian cartoonist, famous worldwide for his rapidityContinuă să citești
Today’s Memory – Environment
World Environment Day June 5 World Environment Day (WED) is celebrated every year on June 5 to raise global awarenessContinuă să citești
Today’s Memory – Joe Cocker
Joe Cocker 20 May 1944, Crookes, Sheffield – 22 December 2014, Crawford, Colorado John Robert Cocker was an EnglishContinuă să citești
Today’s Memory – Pete Townshend
Pete Townshend born 19 May 1945, Chiswick, London Peter Dennis Blandford Townshend is an English rock musician, multi-instrumentalist, vocalist,Continuă să citești
Today’s Memory – Nellie Melba
”The first rule in opera is the first rule in life: see to everything yourself” Nellie Melba May 19, 1861,Continuă să citești
Today’s Memory – Michael Cretu
Michael Cretu born 18 May 1957, Bucharest Mihai Crețu is a German-Romanian musician, singer, songwriter, and producer. He gainedContinuă să citești
Today’s Memory – Éric Satie
Éric Satie 17 May 1866, Honfleur – 1 July 1925, Paris Éric Alfred Leslie Satie was a French composer andContinuă să citești
Today’s Memory – The First Academy Awards
The First Academy Awards May 16, 1929 The 1st Academy Awards ceremony, presented by the Academy of Motion Picture ArtsContinuă să citești
Today’s Memory – Henry Fonda
Henry Fonda May 16, 1905, Grand Island, Nebraska – August 12, 1982, Los Angeles Henry Jaynes Fonda was anContinuă să citești
Today’s Memory – Patrice Munsel
”Up until the time I was five, I suppose I Ied a perfectly normal life” Patrice Munsel May 14, 1925,Continuă să citești
Today’s Memory – Thomas Gainsborough
Thomas Gainsborough baptised 14 May 1727, Sudbury, Suffolk – 2 August 1788, London Thomas Gainsborough was an English portrait andContinuă să citești
Today’s Memory – Formula One World Championship
The first round of the Formula One World Championship is held at Silverstone May 13, 1950 13th May 1950: FirstContinuă să citești