~ Today’s Memory – Amintirea zilei ~
First performance of Franz Schubert’s Unfinished Symphony
17 December 1865
Franz Schubert’s Symphony No. 8 in B minor D. 759, commonly known as the Unfinished Symphony is a musical composition that Schubert started in 1822 but left with only two movements – though he lived for another six years. A scherzo, nearly completed in piano score but with only two pages orchestrated, also survives.
Symphony No.8 „Unfinished” in B minor, D 759 • Staatskapelle Dresden, Conductor Wolfgang Sawallisch (1967)
Schubert’s eighth symphony is sometimes called the first Romantic symphony due to its emphasis on the lyrical impulse within the dramatic structure of Classical sonata form. Furthermore, its orchestration is not solely tailored for functionality, but specific combinations of instrumental timbre that are prophetic of the later Romantic movement, with astonishing vertical spacing occurring for example at the beginning of the development.
In 1823, the Graz Music Society gave Schubert an honorary diploma. He felt obliged to dedicate a symphony to them in return, and sent his friend Anselm Hüttenbrenner, a leading member of the Society, an orchestral score he had written in 1822 consisting of the two completed movements of the Unfinished plus at least the first two pages of the start of a scherzo. This much is known.
Symphony No.8 „Unfinished” in B minor, D 759 • Chicago Symphony Orchestra, Conductor Georg Solti
This was the conductor Johann von Herbeck, who premiered the extant two movements on 17 December 1865 in Vienna, adding the brilliantly busy but expressively lightweight perpetual-motion last movement of Schubert’s 3rd Symphony in D major, as an inadequate finale, expressively quite incompatible with the monumental first two movements of the Unfinished, and not even in the correct key.[original research?] The performance was nevertheless received with great enthusiasm by the audience.
More on: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Symphony_No._8_(Schubert)
***** [În română] *****
Premiera Simfoniei nr. 8 în Si minor, Op. 759 de Franz Schubert
17 decembrie 1865
Simfonia nr. 8 în Si minor, Op. 759, a lui Franz Schubert, cunoscută și ca Simfonia neterminată este o compoziție muzicală pe care Schubert a început-o în 1822, dar a rămas doar cu două mișcări – desi el a trăit încă șase ani. De asemenea, a supraviețuit și un scherzo, aproape complet, cu partitura de pian, dar doar două pagini sunt orchestrate.
Dirijorul Johann von Herbeck a lansat premiera Simfoniei neterminate la 17 decembrie 1865 la Viena, încheind cu de-a Simfonia a 3-a în Re major a lui Schubert, ca un final inadecvat, expresiv, destul de incompatibil cu primele două părți monumentale ale Simfoniei neterminate și nici măcar în cheia corectă. Spectacolul însă a fost primit cu mult entuziasm de public.
Symphony No.8 „Unfinished” in B minor, D 759 • Concertgebouw Orchestra, Conductor Leonard Bernstein (1980…
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