24 - John-Illsley-b.-1949
Personalitatea zilei

John Illsley

(b. 24 June 1949)

~ Personalitatea zilei – Today’s Personality ~


John Illsley

born 24 June 1949, Leicester

John Illsley is an English musician who rose to fame as the bass guitarist of the critically acclaimed rock band Dire Straits. With Dire Straits, Illsley has been the recipient of multiple BRIT and Grammy Awards and a Heritage Award.

In the Darkness

Illsley has kept a low-key profile about his own abilities as a musician and songwriter. He produced two albums of his own with Mark Knopfler as a guest musician, and has helped with Knopfler’s personal projects and charities.

Only Time Will Tell

He released two more albums, with influence from the Celtic-based band Cunla.

More on: John Illsley http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Illsley [Wikipedia]


Streets of Heaven


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