~ Personalitatea zilei – Today’s Personality ~
Pierre van Maldere
16 octombrie 1729, Bruxelles – 1 noiembrie 1768, Bruxelles
Pierre van Maldere a fost un violonist și compozitor din Țările de Jos de Sud (actual, Belgia).
A fost violonist la curtea guvernatorului Țărilor de Jos de Sud, prințul Charles Alexander de Lorena și dirijorul Orchestrei Filarmonice din Dublin.
Van Maldere a compus o serie de opere și peste 40 de simfonii, uverturi și sonate.
Pierre van Maldere – Trio Sonata VI in G minor • Ensemble Apotheosis, Conductor Korneel Bernolet
Pierre van Maldere
16 October 1729, Brussels – 1 November 1768, Brussels
Pierre van Maldere was a violinist and composer from the Southern Low Countries (present-day Belgium).
He was a violinist at the court of governor of the Low Countries, Prince Charles Alexander of Lorraine and director of the Philarmonick Concerts in Dublin. He accompanied the prince on his many travels, to France (Paris), Bohemia (Prague) and Austria (Vienna), where his two first comic operas were performed in Schönbrunn: Le Déguisement pastoral (1756) en Les Amours champêtres (1758). Van Maldere also played for the empress Maria Theresia in Vienna. His works were known to Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and Joseph Haydn. Carl Ditters von Dittersdorf notes him as ”one of the most important virtuosos of his time”.
Pierre van Maldere – Symphony in C 1st Movement • Ensemble Marsyas, Conductor Peter Whelan
Van Maldere composed a number of operas and over 40 symphonies, ouvertures and sonatas. His music was published in London, Paris and Brussels (as is clear from the thematic catalogue), and performed at many European courts.
Pierre van Maldere – Sinfonía en Re mayor, VR. 73 • Academy of Ancient Music, Conductor Filip Bral
Van Maldere was eulogized for his imaginative thematic structures as well as for the unusually serious nature of his compositions, which strongly contrasted with the more lighthearted style characteristic of the Mannheimers.
Pierre van Maldere – Symphony in B flat major, op. 4 Part 3
While Van Maldere’s chamber music shows late-baroque characteristics and Corelli’s influence, his violin sonatas and symphonies testify to the formation of the early classical Viennese symphony.
Pierre van Maldere – Symphony in G – Allegro • The Hague’s Baroque Orchestra, The New Dutch Academy, Conductor Simon Murphy
Most of the symphonies are in three parts, and contain elements as thematic contrast or modulating development. The second movement sometimes is a binary Lied form, the final occasionally a rondo form. A number of works have the classical four movements.
More on: Pierre van Maldere [Wikipedia]
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