Mozart - Eine kleine Nachtmusik -cover
Amintirile zilei

Eine kleine Nachtmusik

(10 august 1787)

~ Amintirea zilei – Today’s Memory ~


Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart a terminat piesa de cameră Eine kleine Nachtmusik

10 august 1787


Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1), 1787Mica serenadă (Eine kleine Nachtmusik) este o lucrare pentru orchestră de cameră compusă de Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Lucrarea, terminată la 10 august 1787, în perioada în care Mozart lucra la al doilea act al operei Don Giovanni, este cunoscută sub denumirea completă de Serenada nr. 13 pentru coarde în Sol Major, KV 525.

Este de fapt o simfonie de mai mici dimensiuni, pentru o orchestră de coarde din numai 5 instrumente: două viori, o violă, un contrabas și un violoncel. Are patru părți: Serenade – Allegro, Romanze – Andante, Minuetti – Allegretto, Rondo – Allegro.

Mai mult: Mica serenadă [Wikipedia]


Mozart – Mica Serenadă, Op. 525 • Orchestra ”Alessandro Scarlatti” di Napoli della RAI, Dirijor Sergiu Celibidache


***** [In English] *****

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart completed his chamber piece Eine kleine Nachtmusik

10 August 1787

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (2), piano

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart’s Eine kleine Nachtmusik, Serenade No. 13 for strings in G major, K. 525, is a composition written for an ensemble of two violins, viola, and cello with optional double bass, but is often performed by string orchestras. The German title means A little serenade and was completed in Vienna on 10 August 1787, around the time Mozart was working on the second act of his opera Don Giovanni.

The traditionally used name of the work comes from the entry Mozart made for it in his personal catalog, which begins, Eine kleine Nacht-Musik. As Zaslaw and Cowdery point out, Mozart almost certainly was not giving the piece a special title, but only entering in his records that he had completed a little serenade.

The work was not published until about 1827, long after Mozart’s death, by Johann André in Offenbach am Main. It had been sold to this publisher in 1799 by Mozart’s widow Constanze, part of a large bundle of her husband’s compositions.

More on: Eine kleine Nachtmusik [Wikipedia]



Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart – Eine Kleine Nachtmusik, Wiener Philharmoniker, Conductor Karl Bohm


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