~ Personalitatea zilei – Today’s Personality* ~
Foto: Monumentul lui Mozart din Viena de arhitectul Karl König și sculptorul Viktor Tilgner
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
27 ianuarie 1756, Salzburg – 5 decembrie 1791, Viena
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart a fost un compozitor austriac, unul din cei mai prodigioși și talentați creatori în domeniul muzicii clasice.
Tatăl său, Leopold Mozart, a fost un talentat violonist în orchestra de la curtea principelui-arhiepiscop de Salzburg, apreciat și pentru aptitudinile sale pedagogice.
Încă de mic copil, Mozart dădea dovada geniului său muzical. La vârsta de 5 ani, înainte de a ști să scrie, a compus câteva piese pentru pian, transcrise imediat de tatăl său. În ianuarie 1762, Leopold Mozart a obținut un concediu de trei săptămâni, pentru „a arăta lumii acest miracol”.
Simfonia Nr. 1 în Mi bemol, K. 16 (1864 – 8 ani)
Turneul a durat… 9 ani: München – Viena – Augsburg – Aachen – Bruxelles – Paris – Versailles – Londra și retur. Apoi un alt lung turneu în Italia: Verona, Milano, Florența, Roma și Napoli. Peste tot, publicul era fascinat de talentul acestui copil precoce, între timp devenit adolescent.
Simfonia Nr. 38 în Re major (Praga), Kv 504 • Chamber Orchestra of Europe, Dirijor Bernard Haitink

În scurta sa viață, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart a compus un număr enorm de opere muzicale, cele mai multe neegalate în frumusețe sau profunzime. În 1862 Ludwig von Köchel a clasificat și catalogat compozițiile lui Mozart, ultima sa creație, Recviemul în re minor, având numărul 626.
Mozart a fost autorul a 41 de simfonii, 27 concerte pentru pian și orchestră, 7 concerte pentru vioară și orchestră, concerte pentru clarinet, pentru harpă și flaut, pentru corn și orchestră, 2 simfonii concertante, divertismente, serenade.
Sinfonia Concertante pentru vioară, violă și orchestră, K 364 • Staatskapelle Berlin Orchestra, Dirijor Daniel Barenboim, Vioară Wolfram Brandi, Violă Yulia Devneka
Pasionat de operă, a compus 17 opere, dintre care cele mai cunoscute, jucate și astăzi pe scenele tuturor teatrelor de operă din lume, sunt: Răpirea din Serai, Nunta lui Figaro, Don Giovanni, Cosi fan tutte, Flautul fermecat. A mai compus 19 misse, cantate, motete pentru soprană și orchestră, oratorii.
Mai mult: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart [Wikipedia]
Die Zauberflöte / Flautul fermecat • Orchestra și Corul Operei din Paris, Dirijor Ivan Fischer; Piotr Beczala, Dorothea Roschmann, Desiree Rancatore, Matti Salminen etc.
***** [In English] *****
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Johann Chrysostom Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart; 27 January 1756, Salzburg – 5 December 1791, Vienna
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was an Austrian composer, widely recognized as one of the greatest composers in the history of Western music. With Joseph Haydn and Ludwig van Beethoven he brought to its height the achievement of the Viennese Classical School. Unlike any other composer in musical history, he wrote in all the musical genres of his day and excelled in every one. His taste, his command of form, and his range of expression have made him seem the most universal of all composers; yet, it may also be said that his music was written to accommodate the specific tastes of particular audiences.
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart – La Betulia liberata, K 118 (1771, Never performed during Mozart’s life) • Salzburger Kammerchor and Mozarteum Orchester, conducted by Leopold Hager; Peter Schreier, Anna Schwarz, Ileana Cotrubaș, Walter Berry, Gabriele Fuchs
His father, Leopold, came from a family of good standing (from which he was estranged), the author of a famous violin-playing manual. His mother, Anna Maria Pertl, was born of a middle-class family active in local administration. Mozart and his sister Maria Anna (Nannerl) were the only two of their seven children to survive.

The boy’s early talent for music was remarkable. At three he was picking out chords on the harpsichord, at four playing short pieces, at five composing. There are anecdotes about his precise memory of pitch, about his scribbling a concerto at the age of five, and about his gentleness and sensitivity (he was afraid of the trumpet).
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart – Sonata No. 10 in C Major, K 330 • Krystian Zimerman
Just before he was six, his father took him and Nannerl, also highly talented, to Munich to play at the Bavarian court, and a few months later they went to Vienna and were heard at the imperial court and in noble houses. They went to what were all the main musical centres of western Europe: Munich, Augsburg, Stuttgart, Mannheim, Mainz, Frankfurt, Brussels, Paris, London, returning through The Hague, Amsterdam, Paris, Lyon, and Switzerland, and arriving back in Salzburg in November 1766.
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart – Piano Concerto No 5 in D major, K 175 • Japan Shinsei Symphony Orchestra, Conductor Rudolf Barshai, Piano Sviatoslav Richter
In most of these cities Mozart, and often his sister, played and improvised, sometimes at court, sometimes in public or in a church. Leopold’s surviving letters to friends in Salzburg tell of the universal admiration that his son’s achievements aroused.
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart – Le nozze di Figaro • Wiener Philharmoniker, Conductor Herbert von Karajan, with: Erich Kunz, Irmgard Seefried, George London, Elisabeth Schwarzkopf, Sena Jurinac, Marjan Rus, Elisabeth Höngen, Erich Majkut etc.
It fallowed an Italian Tours, only with his father: Verona, Milan, Bologna, Florence, Rome, Naples; returning through Rome, Mozart had a papal audience and was made a knight of the order of the Golden Spur.
He composed over 626 works, many acknowledged as pinnacles of symphonic, concertante, chamber, operatic, and choral music.
More on: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart [Wikipedia]
Requiem Mass in D Minor (Mozart’s final Masterpiece)
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