~ Personalitatea zilei – Today’s Personality ~
„O simfonie trebuie să fie ca și Lumea. Trebuie să conțină totul”
Gustav Mahler
7 iulie 1860, Kaliště, Regatul Boemiei, Imperiul Austriac – 18 mai 1911, Viena, Austro-Ungaria
Gustav Mahler a fost un compozitor austriac al romanticului târziu și unul dintre cei mai importanți dirijori ai generației sale.
În calitate de compozitor, stilul lui Mahler se regăsește la granița dintre tradiția austro-germană a secolului al XIX-lea și modernismul începutului de secol XX. Deși în timpul vieții sale aptitudinile de dirijor erau unanim recunoscute, muzica sa a căpătat popularitate doar după perioade de relative neglijări, care au inclus și interzicerea interpretării lucrărilor sale în cea mai mare parte a Europei, în timpul Germaniei Naziste. După 1945, muzica sa a fost redescoperită, iar Mahler a devenit unul dintre cei mai înregistrați și interpretați compozitori, popularitate care se menține și astăzi.
Gustav Mahler – Simfonia Nr. 2 ”Învierea” • Munchner Philharmoniker, Dirijor Valery Gergiev (2015)
În vara anului 1880, Mahler a primit primul său post profesional de dirijor, într-un mic teatru de lemn din stațiunea Bad Hall, la sud de Linz, unde repertoriul era format exclusiv din operete. Aceasta era, după spusele lui Carr, „o slujbă nesemnificativă”, pe care Mahler a acceptat-o doar după ce Julius Epstein i-a spus că doar așa va putea urca pe treptele carierei de dirijor. În 1881, s-a angajat la Landestheater din Laibach (astăzi Ljubljana, Slovenia) unde o companie mică, dar abilă era pregătită să abordeze lucrări mai ambițioase. Aici a dirijat prima oară o operă, Traviata de Giuseppe Verdi.
Gustav Mahler – Symphony No 4 G major • Wiener Philharmoniker, Conductor Leonard Bernstein
După o săptămână de repetiții la Teatrul Regal din Kassel, Mahler a devenit Directorul Coral și Muzical al instituției, în august 1883. Aici a dirijat o interpretare a operei sale preferate, Der Freischütz de Carl Maria von Weber, a dirijat muzică proprie, Der Trompeter von Säkkingen (Trompetistul din Säkkingen), prima interpretare publică profesionistă a unei lucrări de Mahler.
O poveste de dragoste arzătoare dar scurtă cu soprana Johanna Richter l-a inspirat pe Mahler să scrie o serie de poeme de dragoste, care vor deveni textul ciclului de melodii Lieder eines fahrenden Gesellen (Melodiile unui drumeț).
Gustav Mahler – Lieder eines fahrenden Gesellen / Melodiile unui drumeț • Gustav Mahler Jugendorchester, Dirijor Herbert Blomstedt, Bariton Christian Gerhaher
Mai mult: Gustav Mahler [Wikipedia]
The Best of Gustav Mahler • Royal Philharmonic Orchestra
***** [In English] *****
”A symphony must be like the world. It must contain everything”
Gustav Mahler
7 July 1860, Kaliště, Bohemia/Czech Republic – 18 May 1911, Vienna
Gustav Mahler was an Austrian composer and conductor of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. He is widely regarded as one of the most influential figures in the realm of classical music, and one of the leading conductors of his generation, noted for his 10 symphonies and various songs with orchestra, which drew together many different strands of Romanticism. Although his music was largely ignored for 50 years after his death, Mahler was later regarded as an important forerunner of 20th-century techniques of composition and an acknowledged influence on such composers as Arnold Schoenberg, Dmitry Shostakovich, and Benjamin Britten.
Gustav Mahler – Piano Quartet in A minor for Piano and Strings Trior
From a young age, Mahler displayed extraordinary musical talent, showcasing his proficiency on the piano and violin. He pursued formal musical education at the Vienna Conservatory, where he studied composition and conducting. During this time, he also developed a deep appreciation for the works of Ludwig van Beethoven and Richard Wagner, whose musical styles significantly influenced his own compositions.
Mahler’s career took off when he landed his first conducting position in 1880, and he went on to lead prestigious orchestras in various cities across Europe, including Budapest, Hamburg, and Vienna.
As a conductor, he was known for his meticulous attention to detail and innovative interpretations, often pushing the boundaries of musical expression.
Gustav Mahler – Symphony No. 3 • Frankfurt Radio Symphony Orchestra, Conductor Andrés Orozco-Estrada
However, it was as a composer that Mahler truly left an indelible mark on the world of music. His symphonies, characterized by their epic scale and emotional intensity, explored profound themes such as life, death, and the human condition. Mahler’s compositions often incorporated diverse musical elements, including folk melodies, military marches, and even elements of Jewish klezmer music. Mahler acted as a bridge between the 19th-century Austro-German tradition and the modernism of the early 20th century. While in his lifetime his status as a conductor was established beyond question, his own music gained wide popularity only after periods of relative neglect which included a ban on its performance in much of Europe during the Nazi era.
Despite his professional success, Mahler’s personal life was marked by numerous hardships. He experienced the loss of several family members, including the death of his daughter Maria and the deteriorating health of his wife, Alma. These personal tragedies deeply influenced his compositions, infusing them with a sense of melancholy and introspection.
Gustav Mahler – Symphony No. 5 • Chicago Symphony Orchestra, Conductor Sir Georg Solti (1986)
Mahler’s works were initially met with mixed reviews, as they challenged the traditional conventions of classical music. However, his reputation as a composer grew steadily, particularly in the years following his death in 1911. Mahler’s compositions, with their emotional depth and profound exploration of the human experience, have since become cherished and frequently performed works in the classical repertoire.
Gustav Mahler’s legacy endures to this day, with his music captivating audiences and inspiring countless musicians and composers. His innovative approach to composition and his unwavering commitment to artistic expression have firmly established him as a towering figure in the annals of classical music history.
After 1945 the music was discovered and championed by a new generation of listeners; Mahler then became a frequently performed and recorded composer, a position he has sustained into the 21st century.
More on: Gustav Mahler [Wikipedia]
Gustav Mahler – Symphony No. 9 in D major • Berliner Philharmoniker, Conductor Herbert von Karajan (1982)
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---------- *Ediție revizuită și adăugită
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